Become a DigitalBGA Affiliate
and EARN an affiliate commission for each visitor who sees quotes.
Display our customizable life insurance quoters on your website and get paid per life insurance quote requested on YOUR website.
DigitalBGA is a digital life insurance agency with a team of licensed agents helping online consumers purchase life insurance.
We work with some of the highest trafficked life insurance websites on the internet to help their visitors make informed purchases. These websites could monetize anywhere, but they choose our program because we provide the most value for their visitors...and they're compensated very well.
a DigitalBGA
Besides getting paid for every form filled out, we're different because you're providing the instant quote technology on your website and not referring to another site. At the same time, you're putting your visitors in touch with an experienced and professional life insurance agent.
You'll be showing your visitors the best life insurance rates available on the market using our beautiful quote engine technology and get paid for every quote that's run.
it works:
We'll customize a quoter widget or button to your website's colors. Then you simply copy/paste a Javascript code to any page on your website.
Here's an example of a button (go ahead and test it out):
Here's a sample of a live widget (many affiliates put in a sidebar)
Send traffic to these pages and we pay you on any quote from your website.
are using
our program:
Use case #1: Write new life insurance content (or optimizing your current content)
Start writing a series of life insurance content to eventually rank in the search engines. Any article that ranks for any life insurance terms or even mentions life insurance, add our quoting widgets.
We have several websites sending 2,000+ leads every month from pages that rank in the search engines.
Use case #2: Replacing a banner ad on a website
We've had several publishers with significant traffic simply add a banner to their site directing them to a landing page with a quote form and see great results. We can help build a high converting landing page on your site quickly and at no cost.
Use case #3: Emailing your list
We've had bloggers and publishers email their list regularly with a life insurance offer. We can help you with content ideas and strategy to get some good engagement so every email isn't the same.
There are
2 compensation
1) Pay per lead. Payment deposited on the 1st and 15th of the month. (most common)
2) Percentage of sales. Payment deposited on the 20th of the month for the previous month's sales. This will result in more money over time, however the sales process is long so there's a 3 month lag before you start seeing decent deposits.