Final Expense Platform

An Unbeatable Final Expense Telesales Platform

  • A powerful final expense focused sales automation software to help you write more business.
  • Highly profitable exclusive, real time web leads and TV Call Ins
  • Top contracts combined with a case management team to take care of all your NSFs and pending lapses.

Some of Our Final Expense Carriers

American Amicable
Royal Neighbors of America
Mutual of Omaha
Prosperity Life
Liberty Bankers
Great Western
Gerber Life

The DigitalBGA Final Expense telesales experience will equip you with the technology, training, high ROI leads and confidence to break out immediately.

Our mission statement: Life is short. Be great. Do good. Take care of others.

To show you we're different than every other agency out there, here's some resources you likely DON’T have that DigitalBGA final expense telesales agents leverage for better profits:

  • Exclusive final expense telesales products AND processes you can't get anywhere else.
  • A script that increases average annual premium to over $940.
  • Access to TV Call Ins. We produce and run our own Final Expense TV commercials.
  • Real-time technology to verify routing/account numbers AND probability of funds being available in your CRM.
  • An agency management system to see all your business and current status that we update for you.
    It sends notifications on any pending lapses and gives you insight to your entire book.
  • We monitor spam flags on your Caller ID and let you know if your phone number is flagged as spam and how to remediate it so you can connect more calls.
  • Daily training including listening to live calls and critiquing them.

Right off the bat, we improve your business just with those resources.

Did someone say leads? Lets talk about our different lead options as that’s the most common question we get.

Final Expense Leads

DigitalBGA generates all of our final expense TV call-in leads internally.

We see the contact and sales data on every lead we generate. We scale the winners and cut the losers daily and it’s resulted in incredible returns for our agent partners.

You’ve never worked a final expense lead with more intent than someone picking up the phone and calling in after seeing our ad.

Final Expense Call-Ins from TV ads - Variable Price ($65-$85 per call)

Direct call ins from national TV Ads directly to your home office. Simply toggle on in the CRM to be placed in the queue for the next consumer calling YOU.

DigitalBGA produces the commercials, runs the media and gets outstanding sales results. Average premium is between $1,100-$1,200 because of our proprietary ads that focus on the death benefit amount and not how cheap you can get it.

Average closing percentage is 20% with our veteran agents closing 27%-33%+.

These are the highest quality final expense leads you can purchase. They're educated exactly on what final expense life insurance is, it's guarantees and the average person sees one of our ads 7 times before calling in. The need and the want is there (or they wouldn't have called in), it's simply the agent's responsibility to help them comfortably check that box and give them peace of mind. Our training and sales process will help you get a fast start.

The more states you have, the lower your wait time for a call will be. We only deliver calls to the states you're licensed in and that you enter into our CRM. There is no requirement on how many states you need to have to be in our call queue.

Simply put...these are the highest quality final expense leads in the industry.

Final Expense Sales Technology

Our software is proprietary. We built it from the ground up. This means we can make it do whatever we want and continually add new features to help increase sales. Most of our optimizations are based on agent feedback.

This is a plug and play system. Everything is set up for you to receive leads and make sales on day 1.

You purchase your leads in the CRM and all your leads will post into your CRM automatically. Our technology then displays the next best lead to call. You simply click the “Dialer” button and it starts dialing until you’re connected with someone.

Everyone who doesn’t pick up gets automatically dispositioned and will receive an automated email and text message (that is fully customizable) which creates inbound activity.

Here are some differentiating features and their benefits specifically for final expense telesales:

  • Verify bank account numbers in real-time AND determine if there’s a high likelihood of money being in the account. This will increase placement of your final expense business.
  • Actionable Reporting. View your contact and sales percentages for any date range and lead source. Compare where you are to our benchmarks we’ll share with you. You’ll know exactly what your weaknesses are. The numbers will tell you and you have them at your fingertips.
  • Quote final expense life insurance with 1-Click. Effortlessly take the lead information already in your CRM and click a button to run quotes without having to input into 3rd party systems.
  • Toggle yourself on/off and be put in a queue for TV Call Ins. You are in control.
  • No A2P. Many agents are frustrated with A2P requirements with other CRM's (like GoHighLevel)and their text messages not getting delivered or turned off. We manage A2P and deliverability for everyone without the agent lifting a finger so all your automations are firing like clockwork.

Do you think these benefits would make you a more efficient and profitable final expense telesales agent?


We have mastered the final expense telesales presentation and combined that with effective training processes to get any agent setup and making sales within days of receiving their writing numbers.

The average final expense annual premium at DigitalBGA is over $940 using a sales process that focuses on probing questions and a "Mission Driven" sales mentality. By asking the right probing questions and connecting your prospects emotionally to the amount of coverage you decide on together, we’re getting our leads to take action more fequently (higher sales rates) and at the same time increase placement, persistency, average premium and referral business.

Not all final expense telesales presentations are created equal. We found final expense telesales agents simply “don’t know what they don’t know”. Here’s what we mean:

  • We average 1-2 referrals per sale without even mentioning the word "referral" or a referral program.
  • We've increased placement and persistency by asking just 1 question during the application process.
  • We've reduced objections by flushing them out in the discovery and addressing them during a low pressure moment of the sales process (as opposed to after you provide rates).
  • Have you ever been trained to perform a proper policy review where you’ll close 4 out of 5 that go through our process?
  • Are you differentiating yourself and your final expense plans through education?
  • Are you uncovering annuity, medicare, single premium whole life and other opportunities consistently?

We found most agents haven’t been exposed to these concepts. We’ll train you on all of these.

Beyond mastering the final expense sales presentation, the core difference in our training is the delivery of training and 1 on 1 support you’ll have.

Here’s what the process looks like when you join us:

First: You will be assigned a Regional Sales Director (RSD) as your Sales Coach for one-on-one mentoring. RSDs are hand-selected top producers. They are in the trenches alongside you, actively selling with us. Your RSD will help you meet and exceed your sales goals and coach you as you grow as an agent.

Second: You're added to what we call our "daily huddle". Like clockwork, every morning, successful agents are sharing their experiences and what's working for them. And, your RSD shares updates, highlights sales leaders, and delivers bite sized sales training topics. Individual coaching sessions and self-paced training are also available at your fingertips.

You will feel a sense of community with our very active Agent Community chat and resource platform where you can share tips, tricks, and strategies on everything from scripting to how to get up in the morning and start your day.

There is no better final expense telesales training out there.

Third: Your assigned coach will work with you one on one to get you up to speed as quick as possible. When you’re ready to take leads, your coach will be with you via Zoom on a 1 hour dialing session to make sure you understand how to use the technology and help you navigate your first conversations live! (Zoom session is optional, but highly recommended)

We take training very seriously because our platform doesn’t work unless you know how to work it.

With that said, we’ve had agents issuing over $10,000 in their second week with us. For some it only takes a week for everything to click.


Final Expense Telesales can feel like you’re on an island, alone.

Being plugged into a community of telesales agents communicating in real time throughout the day is crucial to success.

You’ll learn and grow not just through your experiences, but through others experiences as well. This alone fast tracks your success and keeps you in growth mode daily.

As part of the DigitalBGA community, you get:
  • Access to the DigitalBGA Community and Agent Chat - our resource and instant messaging platform.
  • Daily Huddles - live video calls every morning.
  • Tuesday agency updates with owners Jeff Root and Nic West where we take transparency to the next level.
  • Portal access to recorded training, underwriting cheat sheets and carrier resources.
  • Invitation to our annual Mastermind (for free if you qualify).
  • Daily, weekly and monthly leaderboard distribution.

We foster a community of support and collaboration.

Every day agents are sharing situations, and how they successfully navigated them, in our Agent Chat and on our daily huddles.

You have a direct pulse on everything happening at all times. If you have a question, you’ll get an answer in minutes from our community.

The DigitalBGA community of final expense telesales agents is really the driving force of getting agents up to speed quickly. The motivation of interacting with agents consistently issuing $5k-$10k/week on the same leads you’re working removes all doubt that the process works if you commit to the process.

The community also keeps DigitalBGA accountable for constantly delivering incredible lead quality, consistent lead flow, technology upgrades and training.

We call it our community here, but it really is family. We look after each other, encourage, support and celebrate one another.


First off, our lead prices run at our cost to generate them.

With that said, everyone starts at 110% commissions and can increase based on production.

Renewals are vested on day 1. That means if you sell a policy with us today that stays active for 10 years - you’re paid on that policy for 10 years even if you leave us tomorrow.

We have an open release policy as long as there’s no debt owed to a carrier. This means if you want to pursue another opportunity, we won’t hold your contracts.

You even have the ability to recruit to our platform and offer your agents our technology and leads.


Here’s a few testimonials from agents in our final expense platform.

Jennifer Bisani

I went from 6 sales in the insurance industry TOTAL to a $62,000 month, 3 months into working with this IMO (DigitalBGA). DigitalBGA is my second family. I have written about a $500,000 in AP yearly and hope to surpass that.

Benjamin Euler

The DigitalBGA platform allows me to make more money over the phone, rather than drive 150-200 miles per day. I typically write $40,00 to $60,000 in AP monthly. I close 22-27% of my TV Call In leads. DigitalBGA has given me more time with my family, lowered my stress level and eliminated wasted time.

Alex Overton

Leads are key to the business. You can tell that DigitalBGA's leads have high intent. I have a community of DigitalBGA agents who are here to support me and inspire me. I sold $34,000 in AP in a month after getting started.

Kimberly Battle

Since joining DigitalBGA, I’ve been able to help more families and earn more income than any other time in my career. I truly feel I’ve found a forever home here at DigitalBGA and can’t see myself anywhere else.

Danny Ray,

They constantly tweak and make the process better so we can write more business...Because of their constant strive for excellence, this month I’ve written $75,000 in business and have consistently written between $25,000 to $150,000 of written premium per month. That would not be possible without the perfected process of DigitalBGA’s system.

Anna Patterson

I did not have insurance experience prior to joining DigitalBGA. I was a little skeptical about how it would work. But, the processes, support, systems and training for DigitalBGA was amazing. It helped me get up to speed extremely quickly and grow a viable profitable business.

How To Work With DigitalBGA

You must fit ALL 3 of these requirements:

1) Must be willing to invest in your business every week

Weather that be buying our TV Call Ins, Missed TV Calls and internet leads OR generating your own leads. As long as you can commit to investing in your business, that's all we ask. - you can post your leads into our CRM. or generate your own leads, you must commit to investing in your business.

2) Must have at least 5 state licenses or be willing to pick up more licenses.

Applying for licenses is as easy as making a payment online through NIPR and each license costs between $50-$150 depending on the state.

We have this requirement so you can get a solid lead flow. If you only have a few states, your lead flow won’t be consistent and our platform won’t work for you.

3) You must have all of your final expense contracts mentioned above with DigitalBGA.

No exceptions on this. If you need to get releases, that has to happen before we let you on our platform and access our training and leads. These include Aetna, American Amicable, Corebridge Financial (AIG), Gerber, Guarantee Trust Life, Liberty Bankers, Prosperity Life, Mutual of Omaha, RNA and SBLI.

It’s worth noting here that we have an open-release policy. If this doesn’t work out for you (hey, telesales isn’t for everyone), we’ll release you immediately as long as there's no debt at any carriers.

If you can meet these 3 criteria, let’s talk!

Next Steps

If you meet all the requirements above and are interested in learning more, please register for our opportunity webinar that we hold twice a week. You can ask any and all questions during this webinar.

We’ll answer any questions you have, give you more information about our platform and we’ll both determine if there’s a fit.