Life Insurance Telesales Income Estimator

Daily Monthly Annual
Lead Costs $ $ $
Total Leads
Unique Issued Sales
Spouse Sales
Total Sales Made
Total Premium Sold $ $ $
Total Premium In Force $ $ $
Gross Commissions $ $ $
Net Commissions (after advances) $ $ $
Net Profit (after lead costs) $ $ $
As-earned first year commissions receivable $ $ $


Use the data in your CRM to populate most of the inputs (see input explanations below on how to get the inputs).

Pro Tip: Look at a 1 month period with the last day being 2 weeks ago. So if today is December 15th, run numbers for November 1st-30th. We don’t factor in the last 2 weeks to give you the opportunity to get in contact with the leads and follow ups received on the last days. You’ll have more accurate and usable data.

Use this by lead source only. Comingling lead sources won’t give you accurate or actionable data. If you work multiple lead sources, run the numbers separately for each.

Persistency is not factored in. If you’re writing primarily final expense, don’t factor in “As-earned first year commissions receivable” month’s 10, 11 and 12 into your income planning in order to cover your chargebacks. This would assume your placement rate is equal to your 13 month persistency. Referrals or cross selling also aren’t factored in.

Input Explanations

Cost Per Lead: Enter your cost per lead here.

Leads/day: Take the total number of leads you received in the time span you’re running your numbers and divide by 22 days (average working days in a month).

Conversion to Sale: The percentage of how many sales you made to the leads in the same time frame. Divide how many sales you made by how many total leads you purchased.

Spouse Sale Rate: Look at your sales during this time span. How many are spouse sales? What percentage of your total sales were spouse sales? Enter that here.

Average Annual Premium: Look at your sales during this time span. Divide the total annual premium by how many sales you made. Enter that here.

Avg Comp Rate: Blend your commission levels with a rough estimate. If final expense, blend level commissions with graded commissions. So you may be at 110% contract levels but with your graded business that may drop it to 95%. If fully underwritten term life insurance, 20-30 year term may be 95%, but when you factor in 10 and 15 year term, it may be 90%.

Placement Rate: This is how many of your sold policies successfully draft and go inforce. Go into your core carrier’s portal and find your placement ratio and enter that here.

Avg Advance: This is your average commission advance. You may be on a 75% advance, but some carriers may only have a 50% advance, pay as-earned or have an advance cap. If write any carriers like that, lower your avg advance based on your own estimates. If you’re a free lead/reduced comp LOA agent you may have a 100% advance.

Output Calculations

Lead Costs: Cost per lead x Leads/day

Total Leads: Monthly = Leads/day x 22 days. Annual = Leads/month x 12 months

Unique Issued Sales: Leads/day x Conversion to Sale

Spouse Sales: Unique Issued Sales x Spouse Sale rate

Total Sales Made: Unique Issued Sales + Spouse Sales

Total Premium Sold: Total Sales Made x Avg Annual Premium

Total Premium Inforce: Total Premium Sold x Placement Rate

Gross Commission: Total Premium Inforce x Avg Comp Rate

Total Net: Gross Commission – Lead Costs

Net Profit: (Gross Commission x Avg Advance) – Lead Costs

Months 10, 11 and 12 commissions: Gross Commissions – Net Commissions


These benchmarks are for DigitalBGA generated leads only and are higher than if you buy 3rd party leads.

Minimum: What you need to maintain to stay profitable enough to reinvest.
Target: What the highest performing agents are achieving.

TV Call In (Final Expense)

Sales rate minimum: 18%
Sales rate target: 30%+
Average premium minimum: $1,000
Average premium target: $1,200+

Web Leads (Final Expense and Term)

Sales rate minimum: 4%
Sales rate target: 10%+
Average premium minimum: $1,000
Average premium target: $1,200