Aig guaranteed issue life insurance

AIG Guaranteed Issue Whole Life Insurance

  • No Medical Questions. Everyone ages 50-85 Qualify

  • Electronic application - perfect for phone sales!

    (paper app option also available)

  • Competitive Pricing

  • Highest commission available + 6 month advances!

Send me the TOP commission level, online contracting and 10 FREE LEADS!

    Top Reasons Why Every Agent Should Have
    AIG Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance

    • Attractive Commission

      We offer the top level contract AIG will pay an agent.  We also give each agent an option for a 6 month commission advances. Fill out the form above to get the exact commission level.  On top of that, we have a lead bonus program you qualify when writing business through any DigitalBGA contract.  Ask us about our lead programs to help you write more business.

    • Competitive pricing vs. other guaranteed issue products

      AIG is the best priced guaranteed issue product available to independent agents.  When they're not the best priced, they're typically within 10% of the best price.

    • Guaranteed Issue…

      Your clients cannot be turned down.

    • Ages 50-85 and up to $25,000 of coverage.
    • Superior eApp system

      Easy to use, device-responsive (cellphone, tablet, laptop, etc.) process that validates all client and payment information in real-time – never any incomplete applications or payments, and the policy number is issued instantly upon submission.

    • Save time from app to commission

      Most cases complete in under 10 minutes and require only four simple steps.

    • Valuable FREE riders

      Included Chronic and Terminal Illness accelerated death benefit riders built into product at no up-front cost to client.  Seniors LOVE this free feature.

    • Strength and reliability of AIG

      They’ve been in business for 100+ years, and most notably have collectively paid out over $39 Billion in claims and benefits in the past five years.  (Great to point out to your clients)

    • Premiums will never go up

      Level-pay premiums that are guaranteed never to increase for the life of the policy – a perfect fit for your budget conscience senior clients.

    AIG Guaranteed Issue Whole Life Insurance Product Highlights

    Click below to view a .pdf from AIG showing all the product highlights.  This will answer any remaining questions you have about the AIG Guaranteed Issue Whole Life Insurance Product.


    Fill out the form at the top of this page for contracting!

    Fill out the form at the top of this page for contracting!